
Top 6 ASP.NET Features You Need to Know

ASP.Net is one of the most efficient web app development frameworks by Microsoft. Within the framework, an array of features can be explored, but unfortunately, many users are not familiar with them. If you are looking to know about the major ASP.NET features for overcoming certain development challenges, then this guide is what you need to check. Read on! 

Top 6 ASP.Net Core Features to Better Build Applications

  1. Cross-platform Support with .Net Core

ASP.NET apps are now able to operate on Windows, macOS, and Linux thanks to the release of.NET Core. With cross-platform support, developers may create and launch apps on the operating system of their choice, which helps in increasing flexibility and lowering infrastructure expenses.

  1. MVC Architecture

 ASP.NET uses the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern for designing applications that are not only easy to manage but also to test. MVC divides the program into three major components: the model (data), the view (user interface), and the controller (which manages user interaction). This division of responsibilities enhances code structure and facilitates collaboration on large projects.

  1. High Performance

 For any product or application, performance is always an essential element. It is regarded as the fastest and most rapid online application framework on the market because of its ASP.NET Core and Kestrel web server. It is lighter and faster now that it has a new Kestrel web server. It also benefits from asynchronous programming methods. Interpreters are used by everything else, including java, php, jsp, and python. Compilers, however, operate more quickly than interpreters. Each code is taken by compilers and is compiled one at a time. Because ASP.NET makes use of compiler-based technologies, it is quick.

  1. Razor Syntax

Used for creating dynamic web pages with ASP.NET, Razor is a lightweight syntax. With the help of Razor Syntax, developers can directly embed server-based code into HTML markup. Hence, it makes it easier for developers to build dynamic and data-driven web applications. Best of all, it is not rocket science to learn using Razor Syntax. It certainly helps you accelerate the development process and improve your productivity.

  1. Action Filters

Action Filters is a fantastic feature supported by ASP.NET. These filters are used to provide caching, authorization, error handling, and any other custom logic we choose to utilize. A logic has been put in place and it will run both before and after a controller operation. Action filters are used to put these logics into practice.

  1. SignalR

Last but not least, SignalR is a real-time web communication library for ASP.NET that allows bi-directional communication between the server and client. Using SignalR, developers can build real-time web applications. To name a few, chat applications, live dashboards, and online gaming platforms can be created. It is efficient enough to manage all the complexities that appear during real-time communication. All in all, it makes the process of adding real-time features to your applications a breeze.

Wrapping Up

Let’s wind up our guide explaining the top 5 ASP.Net Core features. It is expected that knowing and implementing these functionalities will undoubtedly help you deal with various development challenges that may come your way.

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